The MP4 player Watch are a MP4 Video Player built into a Digital Wristwatch. With 1GB, 2GB or 4GB of internal memory, these wrist-wear MP4 players come with display sizes ranging from from1.5 to1.8 inch OLED or TFT screens. These MP4 digital media player with the function of telling you the time, watching your favourite videos, listening to MP3 music and browsing through your picture gallery. All of ePathChina's MP4 portable media devices are compatible with MP3, WAV, and MP4 audio encoding. For example, the 2GB internal flash memory offers you up to eight full hours of digital music playback. The 1.5 inch, 260 K OLED screen offers a crystal clear 128x128 pixel image and can also display the lyrics to your favourite song while it's playing and so on.
Here now, ePathChina brings you this MP4 Watch with Full color 1.8 inch TFT LCD 56L Colour screen and made completely from steel. It has 1GB, 2GB and 4GB memory option. With USB 2.0 support, It compatible with Windows 98/ME/2000/XP, Mac OS9.2.2, Linux 2.4 and Up, using the USB cable, it can easily connect to computer. As a watch, it have digital 24hours clock function and it can also display date as Year, Month and Day. As power supply aspect, it has a rechargeable Li-ion Battery. This Watch MP4 Player can also support multiple language as English, Chinese, Korean, German, Thai, Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese. Other more, Its high pixels and frames per second, plus it has a built in voice recorder, the function buttons to speed up or slow down the music playing, a built in speaker, E-Book browse function, etc. will full of your happy hour.
With the beautiful packing box, this MP4 Player Wristwatch come with the accessories as User Manual, Earphone, USB Cable, Power Adapter, Mini CD with Driver and Conversion Software.
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